Commercial API is under construction.

API access is available here: Alsace Research API

At Alsace Research, we are dedicated to providing our clients with a streamlined and efficient means of accessing our data products. To facilitate this, we are developing a state-of-the-art Commercial API that offers seamless integration and simplifies the process of incorporating our insights into your systems.

The API spans a number of industries and domains:

  • Finance
  • Catastrophe Modeling
  • Geographic Diversification Index
  • Climate Risk
  • Climate Histories
  • Climate Extremes
  • Geocoding
  • Retail Optimization

Our data products are the result of rigorous testing and rely on proprietary models. We strive to deliver cutting-edge research and development, allowing companies to seamlessly import our data directly into their existing models and workflows.

How our API works

  1. Input your business asset locations or street addresses in an JSON object: i.e. insured assets or real estate properties, vehicles, boats, etc.
  2. Make POST command on the Alsace Research API
  3. Response returns the tornado statistics: average frequency, tornado_count, event_history, fatalities_stats, injuries_stats, and magnitude_mean.
  4. Run analytics across your portfolio

An example input into the API image info

An example response from the API image info


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United States of America